Saturday, September 1, 2012

Mommy Advice

I found this letter searching through some mommy/daddy blogs, and I thought it was very cute and I loved everything this man was writing to his daughter.

It made me think of some things that I wanted to say to my child, so here is some Mommy advice I am hoping to pass along. I know this will change over time, because of outside factors, depending on whether I have a boy or girl, time differences, etc. But I do feel that no matter what the situation is there are some things parents must try and teach their children. My experiences with people over the last couple of years, and especially the past couple of days, have made me think what the hell is wrong with people? I really think most of the time, it has a lot to do with the way people are brought up. I understand that there are exceptions, there are some people who are raised by idiots and turn out nicely, and there are some people who are raised by good people who turn out not so well. And there are some people who are the way they are no matter what, but I'm still going to try and teach my child(ren) to be the best that they can.

Hopefully I will teach my child(ren) to treat people the way they want to be treated. How can you expect anything from anybody, when you haven't done anything to earn that? And if you're the one that is being the nicer person than so be it, I bet your life is a lot happier than Mr/Mrs Grumpy pants.

I hate it when somebody thinks they deserve something handed to them that they didn't work a day in their life for. It drives me crazy! I think my (age) generation has a major problem with that. They want everything for free, free healthcare, free college, free food, a job handed to them. I am swimming in school loans, yes it sucks. Yes healthcare is a pain in the ass, but you have to have it. Yes you have to network the hell out of your name to get a job that you may hate. A job is a job, especially when there are people out there begging for them. But honestly, what happened to working hard for something, and being proud of that?

Respect people and value what they are worth. You can not expect respect if you your self have none. What puts a bad taste in my mouth is when people talk bad about their boss. They don't respect their boss because they don't like their boss. Oh well, they are not there to be your friend. If you don't like it that much, then do something about it, become the boss, become your own boss. But doesn't complaining just make it worse and make your day a lot longer? 

Love the people that love you.  There is nothing more powerful than love, and I truly believe that if you surround yourself with nothing but people that love you, your life will be a much happier one. I have been trying to live by this motto for the past couple of years and it has worked for me. I only involve myself with people who I know will value my time with them, and I value them as well. I don't waste my time on people I need to pretend to be nice to, or it's hard to be nice to. It's not only a waste of my time, but theirs as well.It makes life so much easier when you stop worrying about the quantity of people in your life, and you worry about the quality of people in your life.

Stay true to who you are, and love your self. If you don't love yourself it will be harder for others to love you. It will also be harder to accept love from other people. There is no love that is more important than self love. Self confidence isn't just about whether you think you look good or not. Love the person you are, flaws and everything.

Don't judge somebody right away. I know this is human nature, and it's hard not to do it, but sometimes you may miss somebody that could be important to your life because of it. It doesn't matter how much money somebody has, their age, or where they come from. What matters is how they treat other people. I didn't have a lot of money when I was going up, and I still don't. But I would not trade it for anything. I am happy, I have family and friends that love me, what can money buy me that will replace that? Nothing.

Taking responsibility for your own actions. Own up to what you are, what you believe, and what you have. Stop pretending you're something you're not and know that it's not always about you. There are other people in this world that matter too. If you are an adult, act like it. I am faaaaaar from perfect, and I accept my flaws. I try to change and compromise the best that I can, but I also have found people that can love me with those flaws.

I have definitely changed within the last couple of years, for the good I think. I owe A LOT of that to my husband Kenny who really does make we want to be a better person everyday. It just seems like a waste of time to worry on things that don't matter. I used to stress out over everything, argue about everything because I thought I was always right, and I use to complain a lot. But one day I thought, what a waste of my time to spend most of my day being negative, or arguing with somebody. I want to look back thinking I really tried to be a nice, decent human being and I am happy with that. I don't want to look remembering nothing but complains and negativity. Yes I have my days where I do think people suck and life can be hard, which led to this blog, but for the most part I try to stay as positive as I can.

I know that I do not follow this advice my self everyday, but I try my hardest to remember them and live by them. I also know that I am not an experienced mother, some people may even say you have no idea what you're talking about, or that all of these things are harder than you think. Well maybe it is, but I am willing to do whatever it takes to raise my child not to be ungrateful or rude.

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